Carefully curated partnerships
Connect corporate entities looking to take direct action on biodiversity, conservation or sustainable development - with established NGOs to co-create unique solutions that tackle conservation and environmental challenges.
Effective environmental education, conservation, and regeneration
Facilitate effective environmental education, conservation, and regeneration that brings forth actual change. Communities develop a deeper understanding of their coexistence with wildlife and businesses maximise their impact.
Sustainable economic activity
Promote sustainable economic activity that enables communities to pursue activities that generate income. This nurtures people and nature - providing the next generation with the skills to create a better world for all.
Latest News

#ParaSaKlima Camp: Learning, Connecting, and Acting for the Climate
Transforming engaging conversations into nature-based solutions, one step at a time
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Transforming Lives and Landscapes: The Goats for Widows Program
Widows are statistically considered to be among the most vulnerable in a community. Through the Goats for Widows Program more than 200 widows are given a boost in their livelihood and farming activities. To this day, ASRI continues to coach widows in raising more goats to supplement livelihood.
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Project ACE: Actions for Communities and Environment has released it's yearend magazine!
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Livelihood and Climate Disaster Mitigation: A Win-Win with Bighnaharta Nepal
A marginalized people slowly ease their way out of poverty through community adaptive and nature-based solutions.
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Travel with Purpose: How your vacation can make the world better
Supporting a good cause and making a difference can now be part of your vacation itinerary!
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Science-based Org is CfN’s New Ally in Mangrove Restoration
A small group of scientists and professionals are working with the LGU and community in reviving and protecting mangrove habitats in the Philippines.
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Forest Warriors of Borneo are CfN’s Newest Partners
Alam Sehat Lestari (ASRI), a multi-awarded NGO has been taking great strides in forest restoration in Borneo. With CfN's support, their programs are expanding and being strengthened to reach more people.
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From the UK to the Philippines: A Virtual Island Adventure for the students of Holy Trinity Primary School
When it comes to conserving our one precious planet, we MUST have the youth on our side. How can we connect and inspire the next gen of ECO Warriors? Bring island life directly to their classroom in a fun and immersive way!
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New Year, Clear Vision
Communities for Nature founder Rhoda Phillips shares her musings on what she envisions for the future of the organisation. Bright things are ahead.
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Conservation isn’t a luxury endeavour, but an art of living
From growing up surrounded by the biodiversity of Borneo, to conservation work from Honduras to Northern Pakistan, Richard Friedberger's rich and varied experiences have shaped his approach to leadership and how he tackles the challenge of being a Communities for Nature trustee.
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